October 16, 2010

October 17, 2009

I want to go back for a bit....today is our one year anniversary, well would be. God I miss him. I don't want to have to think about dating, but yet I am thinking about it. I have to move on sometime. He moved on. Why can't I? I don't want to be thinking about this, I want to be making reservations at The Melting Pot like we had planned. Our first date....we met at a mexican restaurant in Louisville. El Nopal..one of my faves. I remember what I wore. White tank top under a black top, a reddish necklace, the jeans I am wearing now and red shoes and my black jacket. He wore his Echo hoodie, a black metallica t-shirt, jeans and his tennis shoes. He pulled up in his black Honda. He hugged me and smiled, said it was nice to officially meet me.

He took his jacket off before we went into the restaurant. I looked and thought he had full sleeve tattoos. When we got in the light I discovered it was hair. HA! I didn't tell him that until this past March. He laughed.

We sat in the restaurant and we talked and laughed forever. I knew it right then...he was the one. I just knew it. It was perfect...absolutely perfect. I had never ever felt that way before. It was just....I can't describe it. He was the one. I was excited for our next date and our first one hadn't even ended. We ordered our food and talked the entire time.

I invited him back to my place. We get there and he laughs and tells me that he texted his buddy my license plate number...just in case I tried to sell his kidney. HA! We watched Night of the Living Dead. Great movie. He didn't leave until 2 a.m.

I can't believe we would be celebrating a year. God, I just want him back. I want to be in Louisville, planning our day out, spending the night with him. Instead he's not here. I just want him to come back.

October 11, 2010

April 8, 2010

Shockingly...today was a stable day after he had coded the previous day. He was still on diaylsis, but stable for his condition. The dialysis had worked and his heart was still very healthy. It was the one thing that was helping was the fact that he had no head trauma and his heart was healthy. I was at the hospital some of the day, but he was stable so I worked. Later on that evening he opened his eyes. He never really closed them again because of the paralytics, but he opened his eyes. It was absolutely amazing. It was at this time on FB that I said I was certain I was dating Superman, and it kind of stuck. Superman was what he was referred to by so many people. Funny thing is that he wasn't really a fan of Superman, but he sure was proving everybody wrong. Also, it was at this point that we thought he would make it.

They would never let him fully wake up because his abdomen was open again and waking up a patient like that, could lead them into trying to get up and pull of their wires off. I don't think he was ever fully aware of what was going on.

It was also on this night that I got to see his son for the first time since the third weekend in March. He was just told about his dads accident the day before. He is 7...I don't quite understand why he wasn't told, but I'm not his mother. Lord knows, Jack and I missed that kid.

BTW, I hate this part of the blog. Things were getting so good. It's always worse before it gets better...but then its always better before it gets worse.

Until next time,
